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Both Love and Loyalty Run Deep

Story told on 1-15-1999

©By Argon, Sandokan, Tarka, and Terry
Edited by Vealoux


The snow of the deep woods lies quiet in the world, all around with its cover of cold. It is soft and muffles any sound that tries to touch it with life. Jesse's paws dig deep into the snow as he lopes through the forest with the rest of his pack, his father Bellnog leading the way to Bloodgrass Glade, the wind over his face and chest filling him with joy as he runs.

"Father! Why do we come here again? The hunting isn't any good, as we were here only last week!"

Bellnog pants into the wind and glances behind himself for a moment. "The CliffRocks will never claim that meadow as their own! I will not stand for it. If you are feeling scared.... then run away damn you! Or stay by my side, son. Fight with me if it comes to that!"

"Yes, father!" Jess is looking forward to Bloodgrass Glade. If the CliffRocks are there, he will be able to see Tesla!

Nella comes up from the rear of the pack. "Son, you should not challenge your father like that. Someday he will tire of it and teach you a lesson or two."

Jess bows his head for a moment. "Yes, my mother!"


An hour later, the Grasshill pack lopes to a stop at the edge of the Bloodgrass meadow. There are a few tracks in the snow, and Bellnog darts back and forth over the snow. "I knew it! I knew it! They were here!" He darts over to the far edge of the clearing and marks on a tree. "Damn them!"


Kell barks in alarm! The pack turns to the south side of the meadow. The CliffRock pack has arrived.

Bellnog struts to the fore of his pack... drawing himself abreast of Erik and Gen, the alpha male and female of CliffRock, and Nella joins him at his side. "What are you doing here in this meadow, Erik? This is Grasshill land!"

Erik holds his legs stiff. "Don't be silly, Bellnog. This is as much CliffRock land as Grasshill."

Bellnog growls deep... but backs off. Erik nor he are ready to fight yet... soon though. "We will meet again, Erik! You beware, or I will be the one mounting your mate." With that he turns his back and walks slowly away from the other wolves.


Minutes later the meadow is empty again, but not for long. Presently, Jess is moving along the edge for the open area. "Tesla! Tesla! Where are you Tesla??!"

Tesla moves from behind a bush. "Right here, love. Were you followed?"

"Oh no," Jess looks around. "Were you?"

Tesla laughs. "No. My father was very mad. Most of the pack is spread out right now."

Jess approaches Tesla and nuzzles her, the smell of her face putting a grin on his muzzle and coursing the movment of his tail. "I can't stay long. When do you think we can meet again?"

Tesla giggles. "The pack will be over by pine River in another week for open hunting. We can meet then for much longer?... Yes?"

Jess turns around with excitement. "Yes, yes! I will see you then!"

Tesla and Jess move away from each other, back to their own packs, knowing that at home their love wouldn't be understood.


Jess returns in a roundabout way to the rest of the pack. Bellnog lifts his head from the fresh kill and looks at his son.

"Where have you been?" he asks. "Most of this is gone, and the females have yet to eat."

Jess blushes as well as a Wolf can. "I'm sorry Father, I... had to stop off the path for a few moments."

Bellnog looks at his son, "You worry me at times, Jess. You don't seem to be concentrating on learning how to live here as a good wolf should. You need to begin concentrating. Last week alone, you relieved yourself in the middle of the pathway. That's bad enough, but you didn't cover it, ...and then yesterday, you jumped up and frightened off prey. Sometimes you act so ignorant, I wonder if you aren't a Rockclift rather than a Grasshill." Bellnog shakes his head, as Jess hangs his low... "If I didn't know better, I'd think you'd found a mate."

Bellnog chuckles, "But you haven't. None of the females here have shown any interest in you. Now eat some of this so we can move on... it's getting colder."


"When are we going to pine river, father?" Jess asks after eating his share of the kill so that the females could start. "I'm tired of hunting these worthless meadows."

"You think they're worthless, but when the river hunting dries up, it's the pack who controls the meadows that survives," Bellnog snaps. "There isn't enough food for everyone, that's why we have to fight the other packs."

"But if all the packs got along, we wouldn't waste so much time fighting and we could find enough food for everyone! Maybe in the desert somewhere..."

Bellnog growls. "If you want to challenge me, I'll be happy to tear your throat out and leave your carcass for the vultures."

"I just want to know when we're going to the river, that's all," Jess says, dropping into a more submissive posture.

"Well...," Bellnog speaks, getting a sudden thought, "we're not! We'll stay here and hunt the meadows! And when the Cliffrocks return, our claim will be indisputable!"


Meanwhile, Tesla lopes along with the rest of the CliffRocks, next to Gen. They had just entered the last forest to be crossed, when Gen speaks to her quietly, "Tesla, we need to talk."

"What is it?", Tesla replies.

"Well, it's just that I know something you think I don't know..."

Tesla then blushes, as much as a wolfgirl can. "You mean...?"

"Yes, dear. I've smelled the scent of the musk of a strange male on you, but until today I've not been able to put the pieces together."

Tesla becomes startled. "Please don't tell Erik... he'll kill me!"

Gen smiles softly. "I wouldn't tell on you just like that, but... I'm concerned about you. Not only that he will find out... but who it is you are seeing."

Tesla hangs her head low as she trots through the snow and across pine needles. Finally she reveals, "I couldn't help it... he, he seemed from the instant I first saw him to be the one for me. There can be no other."

Gen nods quietly, frowning. "And yet it cannot be... we are the rivals of the other packs, and we fight to survive."

"I know, but why fight all the time," Tesla blurted, "When we could be hunting?"

Gen blows her foggy breath into the forest air, sighing. "I've talked this over with Erik many times, but he doesn't want to consider anything else... He talks of an old feud between himself and the one they call... Bellnog."

Tesla sniffs, looking up and down along the river, silent for a while.


The morning is very cold, with the stars still showing in the west, as the eastern sky becomes light with the birth of a new sun. Jess is already on the move with wide paws chuffing into the snow at a fast lope. He'd left his pack at the last howling when they bedded down for the night and begun his run. His tongue hangs halfway down his muzzle trying to dissipate his heat. He would be to Pine River in time to see Tesla. He would be there!


Bellnog storms around among his pack, kicking them over and making them bare their throats. "Where is Jess? Do you know where he went, Nella?" He turns to his mate and growls deeply.

Nella hunkers down into the snow. "No, Bellnog. I do not!"

Kell rolls over onto his back as well. He speaks not a word.

Bellnog slashes at a tree with his claws. "We follow his trail... now!" He takes off at a dead run, not even looking back to see if his pack is following him.


Jess looks over the edge of the rock at CliffRock. They are out in the meadow hunting mice. Tesla is getting closer to where he is downwind of them. He waits for her to come close, then slinks off into a dark part of the woods. "Tesla!" he whispers fervent but subdued.

Tesla runs over to Jess and nuzzles him... "You came! I didn't see your pack Jess. Where are they?"

Jess bows his head, then lifts it again. "I left them Tesla. I left them for you! We can leave together from this land. We'll go out into the plain sea!"

Tesla gasps... then laughs. "We could form our own pack! We would rule them even better than the ones we are part of now!"

They nuzzle one another for a moment more, when suddenly Erik comes flying out of the gap between two trees and kicks Jess over..... "Get away from my child, stinking Grasshill!"

Tesla moves forward. "Father! Don't! He is my mate."

Gen comes running through the woods over to them and gasps when she hears her daughter. "Oh no....."

Erik holds very still for just a moment, then flies right at Jess with teeth bared full...


Jess stands his ground and hunches his shoulders. Erik is larger than he, but Jess is young and strong.

Gen steps between them, "Stop it NOW!"

Erik growls deep in his throat at his mate. "Stand aside Gen, this isn't your concern."

"Yes it is, Erik." Gen looks at Tesla, "Tell me Tesla... be honest... have you and..."

Gen looks at Jess, "What have they named you, young one?"

Tesla looks at Gen, "His name is Jess."

Gen nods and smiles, "Jess. A fitting name. Tell me Jess, have you and Telsa.. been close? Have you mated?"

The two young Wolves blushed as well as they could being Wolves. "No," murmurs Tesla, "we haven't... yet"

Erik growls deeper but stands back, yielding to a warning look from Gen.

Gen sighs with relief, "That's good. Erik.. there is something you and... Jess... should know..."

Gen sighs... "You remember two years ago, when I dropped my litter near the stream?"

Erik nods.

Gen sighs, "There were 6 cubs when you finally arrived, but 7 were born." She smiles at Jess.


"Did you ever wonder why you were the only cub of Bellnog's, Jess? What happened to your littermates? Bellnog is not capable of siring cubs... so he stole one of ours to try and hide the fact. He would have stolen the whole litter, but I drove him off."

"But... there are other litters..."

"Bellnog has one of the others in the pack service his mate, to keep up appearances. If the pack knew of his frailty, he would lose his place as leader." Gen sighs, "But in any case, you can't possibly mate with Tesla. Your cubs would be cursed."

"I don't care!" Jesse cries... "I love her, and neither you or any false gods are going to keep us apart!" He looks aside at Tesla and sees that this may not be true, and instead of love all he sees is sadness... and pity?

Erik growls. "Leave now and I'll let you live. Go back to your 'father' and his scrabblers."

Jess whines and, tail between his legs, disappears into the forest, cursing Tesla for deserting him, and Gen for telling the horrible truth, and most of all, BELLNOG.


Tesla yells "Well if he's going, then so am I!" and breaks into a run after Jess.


Jess had just crossed over some ice on the river when he hears someone come running up behind him. He rears into attack stance, only to see Tesla walk out from the undergrowth, panting.

"Jess!" she cries, running out to meet him. They nuzzle happily for a moment, then hear the ice creaking below their paws, urging them to move on, running happier now, but still fast and worried.

After a while Tesla slows a bit and speaks. "Jess, what are we going to do?"

Jess smiles to her. "I'm not Bellnog's first son. :) There was another, and he died long ago. I was sired by Bellnog's brother, and since I was about the same age, Bellnog had me take his first son's place... *also* to keep up appearances."

Tesla howls and runs even faster, as they cross out into the open plains of the tundra.



Bellnog howls out into the open tundra from the edge of the woods. He had been following his son's trail for more than two days as it led out into the plains.

Nella whispers to him. "Bellnog. It is over. They are gone now. We are deep within CliffRock lands now. We can't stay here! The whole pack is in danger."

Bellnog scratches at the earth under his feet. "Why did he go out there?! You can't live on the ice. He will have to come back sometime with his mate."

Nella nods to him, "Yes."

"We will wait! We will be here for them."


The days pass for Jess and Tesla since they had wandered into the tundra. Their ribs begin to show from hunger. "We have to go back, Tesla."

Tesla looks up from the bird she is holding down with her paws. "Yes. We must. We will have to get past my father and yours."

"I know. Lets go."


Kell whimpers and slinks over to Bellnog. "I see two wolves far out on the tundra! They are heading into the forest north of here!"

Bellnog leaps to his feet and grins... "Time to move!"

Meanwhile, Erik glares at Gen as they pace the edge of the forest north of where Bellnog's pack is. "Can't you smell them? Damn Grasshill are in our lands!"

Gen nodds and growls. "I can't help that. I tried to keep that shifty Grasshiller away from Tesla. Stupid girl followed him though."

Erik nods. "I will kill them both when I see them next. That scum does not need to live."

Another wolf trots up to Erik. "They are coming Erik." Erik nods to the scout and sets out.

Erik looks at Gen and grins. "Come Gen. We have dirty work to do."

Gen follows Erik, a grin forming on her face, her whole being revealing her anticipation...


Less then an hour later, Jess and Tesla are entering the forest together as the two wolf packs close in on them.


Jess and Tesla move towards the forest. Cold and hungry, their Wolf senses are still working well.

Jess stops. "Wait Tesla.. Do you smell that?"

Jess and Tesla stop and sniff, their noses twitching in the cold air,

"Yes,"Tesla says, "It's..." "Fire!"

Both Wolves eye light up with fear and panic.. fire is the enemy of all creatures in the forest.

"I also smell Erik, and Gen..." Tesla look to the north.

Jess sniffs, "And Bellnog and Nella.."

The wolves look at each other, "What can we do?"

Jess thinks for a minute, "I know... Lots of prey will be running before the flames... if we can make Bellnog and Erik think it is their doing, ---that by working together... they have fed and kept their packs safe...? Are you thinking what I am thinking?..."

Tesla looks at Jess, "Do you think that will happen?"

Jess sighs, "No... I don't"

Tesla smiles.. "Maybe... I have an idea!"



Erik and Bellnog are so intent on following their respective trails that they don't notice each other in time to avoid a collision. The two alphas then get to their feet, bristling to look dignified and dangerous as their packs gather around them.

"Now you will die, Grasshill," Erik growls, "You've poached our territory for too long."

"Get out of my way, Cliffrock," Bellnog spat. "I'm here for Jess, not for your blood... today."

"Jess! The cur that stole Tesla from us... YOUR son!" Erik snickered. "After I take care of you, he'll be next."

"Then die," Bellnog growls, and the two leap at each other, slashing and biting!

The battle rolls back and forth around the circle the other wolves form, and though a thousand scratches and bites fall on both of the two wolves, both are too strong and canny to leave an opening for a fatal blow.

"This is useless," pants Bellnog, "They'll get away while we fight. We should [pant]... we should catch them first..."

"You... you are weak. Weak!" Erik pants, holding his wounded paw up off the ground. "I will finish this here!"

The two stare at each other venemously, catching their breath, each ready for a sudden pounce. The other wolves watch intently, until...

"Is that... is that smoke?" Kell asks, scenting the air. The other wolves quickly raise their noses to sniff and soon the pack is howling a warning. "Fire! Fire!"

"If we don't go now, the fire will get them before I can rip him apart!" Bellnog growls softly. "We can finish this another day."

Erik growls, "I won't let you run away. We're coming with you."

"You're going *into* the fire?" Kell asks, terrified. Even wounded, Bellnog's gaze is commanding. The two packs follow their leaders into the forest, towards the terrible orange glow.

The wolves pass terrified deer and panicked rabbits and squirrels... even a pair of bears. With each animal running in the opposite direction, their tails droop lower and their movements become more hesitant. But the trail is there to follow, in the snow, and the scent is clear, and nothing is going to sway Bellnog or Erik from it.

By the time they reac the river, the crackle of flame is audible, and the forest is empty, every sane denizen long since fled. And there, running towards the ice-covered water, is Jess and Tesla.

The packs howl and charge, spreading out as they run down the hill towards the water! The trees across the river burst into flames, but the hunt is on and no one quite notices...


"Jess! Stop and face me!" Bellnog howls, as it was obvious he won't be able to catch them before they reach the flames. But Jess ignores him, and the two fleeing wolves leap onto the ice of the river and skid towards the flaming forest on the far side, only to suddenly drop out of sight.

Quicker than could be imagined, the sparks cross the river and set the forest on the near side alight. Before Erik or Bellnog can even think to give an order, the forest around them is fully in flames! The packs panic and run in every direction, but it is too late, and out of the corner of his eye Bellnog sees the others hit by falling branches and sparks... bursting into flames...

He skids the last few feet onto -- no *into* the river, for the ice is gone. It is covered with ash, and the heat is terrible, but as he leaps into the water he realizes what Jess and Tesla had planned, how they would survive the fire.

But they wouldn't survive him. They -- Bellnog yelps as something bites into his tail, nearly severing it.

"You have destroyed us!" Erik snaps, treading water clumsily behind Bellnog, "I should have killed you! Now both our packs are dead!"

"I don't care," Bellnog says, "He won't get away... you can't stop me..."

The two are pulled under as they claw and bite. Most of their skill is useless in the water... it is just random thrashing and bleeding... And then Bellnog feels his teeth at long last latch onto soft flesh, and tear into it. The water is too warm for him to feel the rush of blood, but Erik twitches and falls limp, and Bellnog releases, letting his body drift downstream.

"Father!" a cry comes forth. Bellnog's gaze snaps over to a small sandbar in the middle of the stream, passed over by the fire because it had nothing that would burn. Jess and Tesla rest against it, protected by the water without having to swim.

"Why did you follow us?" Jess asks, as Bellnog drags himself up onto the sandbar, "You weren't supposed to follow..."

Bellnog growls, and tries to leap at Jess to tear out his throat, but he cannot move. His limbs are stiff, and Erik had given him far too many wounds. He gives a final defiant snap in Jess's direction, and passes out.


After the fire, Jess and Tesla gather together the remainders of the Grasshills and Cliffrocks. It is a pathetic pack, a tiny remnant of the former glory of either, let alone both. Demoralized as they are, it takes only a few challenges for Jess to assert his leadership, none of them fatal.

And there is more than enough food for everyone left.

The End

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