Welcome to the Fuzzy Yarns Home Page -------------------------- -- Just a small picture of an otter. by Twohart --

When the nights are cold, and the rain comes down in sheets from the sky, it is time to cluster round a fire and spin tales into the night. Welcome traveler, you have come to the Fuzzy Yarns home page. This page is ment to delight and inform you about the round-robin story circle event called Fuzzy Yarns. You will find information about when and where it is held as well as a full archive of most of the stories told within the circle.

Whats New!

  1. History of Whats New.
  2. -- 06-22-2005 -- This is the first update in a while... but I added the old Halloween III Story from 2002. This one is with the rare treat that Bufferfluff took part in this story. Also new here is an older 2002 story called Wild Wild West. You might also check out The Wallaby That Stole X-Mas. Its a dark dismal tale about how Morticon ruins the season for everyone. And lots more new stuff.
  3. -- 06-28-2005 -- New story up from the newly started weekly story event. Read the terrible story of exploration... Star Whisp. enjoy!
  4. -- 08-19-2005 -- There are several new stories in the archive today. Try out, A Pirate Cove., A Wolfs Tail., Chrrly and the Creepy Factory., The Photo., Squeek!, and Wine.. It is a lot of new stories. So enjoy!
  5. -- 11-16-2005 -- Been a while sense I have updated but we have a boatload of new stories for you. Head over to 2005 index and take a look at the new stories in September and October. One set of stories to note is the first three part story ever pulled off in the circle. Read The Sky Doth Fall. Part 1., The Sky Doth Fall. Part 2., and The Sky Doth Fall. Part 3.. Enjoy the new stories!

About the Fuzzy Yarns Story Circle!

What is Fuzzy Yarns

The Fuzzy Yarns event is a round-robin story circle where everyone takes part in creating a larger story. It is loosely based off similar events that have taken place over the years on furry and other smaller MUCKs. Much of the fun comes from watching just where other people take the stories. There is a help page that would be useful for people that have not taken part before. It has a full tutorial for every beginner.

Event Times

This event is now held every Tusday on Spindizzy at 7pm spindizzy time. Each story event lasts about three hours. The stories from Fuzzy Yarns once finished will be on this site that night or sometime in the future. The circle is open to the public but some decorum is expected.


With an event of this nature there are a lot of people involded over time. Here is a list of all the Authors that has ever taken part in this round-robin event. Without them all the stories told here would have never seen the light. This is also a good time to thank the people at Silicon Otter for hosting this project.

About your Hosts!

Tarka is the host of this event, though there are other people that can host this event. On the MU* he plays an otter jester will little to no moral foundation. Think Mudge from the Spellsinger series of books. If you would like to reach him by E-Mail send it to dekker@siliiconotter.com. Here is a small picture of his chracture on the MU*. Picture of Tarka.

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