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(This story is ©2005 by Fuzzy Yarns. It is intended for the personal use and enjoyment of those accessing the Fuzzy Yarns web site. Any reprinting in other media, printed or electronic, without the express consent of the author's is not allowed. All other rights reserved.)

The Sky, a Fox, and a Wolf.

Story told on 05-30-2005

By Morticon, Portia, and Tami.

One night, three furs (Tami, Portia. and Morticon) were trying to decide what 
to do.  Morticon, being ever empty in the head, had no suggestions after the 
place they wanted to visit was malfunctioning.  "What to do..."  He pondered...
that a story would inspire them and give them something to do. They joined in 
a circle and the story began: One upon a time...
Once upon a time, two young furs set out on the road. They decided that they 
would find where the sky began, because as far as they knew, no one had ever 
been there before.
So, they first tried to walk as far as the eye could see, in hopes of 
reaching the horizon.  "We hqve travelled for 5000 miles and the separation 
of the sky is no closer!" The fox whined to the wolf.  "Well, we should try 
something different, then."  Replied the wolf.  So, they pondered....
climbing the mountain range to the highest peak to see if they could find the 
direction where the horizon lives. The wolf, seeming very tired of the foxes 
happy yips, felt that this was one of the best ideas the fox had had. The 
wolf turned to the fox and said,"...
"The sky starts in every direction, but no matter how far we walk, we can't 
find it. It must start somewhere. Maybe it cannot be found by walking though. 
The sky is not the ground, after all."
So, they found the highest mountain and climbed.  Up they went... and up and 
up... until they were the only two critters for miles.  At the top, a 
breathtaking view greeted them of their world.  Greens of the valleys, blues 
of the lakes, browns of the dirt clods....  but no sky to touch.  It seemed 
to hang overhead them still, yet.. was less blue.  "The sky!  It seems no 
closer!"  cried the tired fox.  The wolf looked up and hmmmed....
"Well, perhaps we need to find a better way to climb higher. The birds seem 
to know much about the sky, let's see if we can find one and ask him how to 
find the horizon." The wolf smiled and opened his arms to the sky...
He called out to a bird flying below. "Bird! We seek the sky!" The bird flew 
up to the peak of the mountain and landed in front of the fox and the wolf 
and said,
"The sky, eh?  The sky is for us, the birds!  You two can't go up there.. for 
you do not have wings!"  As the bird is about to fly off in digust, the wolf 
asks another question, "Where can we find such wings?"  As the bird took off, 
it chirped, "You could try making them!"
The fox looks at the wolf,"Making them?" He looks at the flying bird as it 
continues away from them, "Making them! Why didn't I think of that!?" He sits 
on the peak and pulls out a pencil and pad starting to draw something that 
looks like..
a fox with wings for arms. "We just need enough feathers. With enough 
feathers, we can make our arms into wings, and we can fly to the edge of the 

"Good idea!" exclaimed the wolf, "But how will we find so many
feathers? "  the fox thought and thought... "We could see if any birds will 
donate to our cause."  So down the mountain they went, until they came across 
a small flock of birds, resting in a tree..
"Oh, hey, you birds..,", the fox called to the flock,"Will you give us 
feathers for our cause?" He looked to the Wolf who added,"We are looking for 
the horizon and wish to have wings such as yours to carry us there." The 
birds looked at the unlikely pair of adventurers and squaked,"...
"We have never been to the horizon ourselves. Why should we give you what is 
ours to let you do what we cannot?"
The wolf replied quickly, "Because we'll come back and tell you all about 
it!"  THe birds twittered amongst themselves, and decided the cause was 
worthy.  Calling out, the fox was soon surrounded by birds, each donating a 
feather or two.  "Go, and return to tell the tail!"  They said as they bid 
them farewell.  the fox carried his pile, trying to decide how to bind them.
The wolf says,"What about gum, it should hold the feathers sturdy yet let 
them flex in our movements." The fox shook his head,"Where would be gum from 
anyways? What about wax? Wax seals everything, yes? And would hold the wings, 
but it might melt the closer to the sun we get." The walked several miles 
until they stumbled upon...
a tailor's shop. "If we sew them to a sheet, they will hold together, and we 
will have wings," said the fox. So they sewed a pair of wings together. "But 
only one of us can fly with these," said the wolf.
"I will go, because I am smaller", said the fox.  The wolf protested, "But I 
want to see as well!"  The fox hmmmed, "What if we flipped a coin?"  "Deal!"  
Unknown to the wolf, the fox had a trick coin that he always used in these 
situations.  "Winner gets to take the trip, and tell us all about it."
The wolf pulled out a coin as well,"We should use mine. It has been great for 
this sort of thing before." But the fox didn't think he would trust the wolf, 
since he had a trick coin. "We should do it another way, I don't trust your 
coin and you apparently think I'm a cheat and not trusting my coin." The wolf 
looked at the smaller fox and...
said, "Aren't we friends? Should we not trust each other?" The fox frowned. 
"Very well, we will use your coin."
So, they tossed the wolf's coin.  Wolves are more noble, and the coin was 
fair.  It ended up the
fox's favor anyway!  "I'll tell you all about it!" The fox promised, and 
wasted no time... running... jumping... flapping his arms... he finally took 
off into the great blue sky...
and soared into the air. However, when he was looking to the left, he did not 
notice that the horizon was taking off to the right, him completely missing 
it as he began to fade into the dark sky. The fox stared and saw...
the stars ahead of him. He wheeled around in the air, yipping and cheering. 
He flew over the mountains and toward the horizon, looking for the edge of 
the ground.
The fox was confused; where was the sky?  Then he had an idea!  Finishing his 
survey, he flew back down where the wolf was waiting near the flock.  "I 
found it!  The sky is..."
never leaves the horizon. And the horizon never leave the sky." The fox 
grins,"It is one and the same. Strange think to find really." The wolf just 
stared at the fox and says...
"You just want the wings for yourself! I want to see!" He takes the wings 
from the fox and...
found he was too heavy to take off.  Yet he refused to believe the fox.  To 
this day, foxes and wolves find it difficult to trust one another, due to the 
'sky incident'.  
The End

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