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(The story here is ©1998 by their authors. It is intended for the personal use of those accessing the Fuzzy Yarns web pages. Any reprinting in other media, printed or electronic, without the express consent of the writers involved is prohibited.)

A Night of Stars

Story told on 9-1-1998

By Animator, Argon, Crazyheart, Maxl, and Tarka.

 Warning. This story is based on The Eye of Argon.  That means that it is
 ment to be as bad as it sounds.  Try reading the story outload to
 yourself when you read it.  It is not a true reflection at the talant of
 the people that took part.  Read The Eye of Argon and see what it is based
 on. The Eye of Argon.

 All of the places without matter were dark outside the mode of travel as
 it made its way digging through the darkness.  The starts were scattered
 and sread around the sky like a dark mug of coffee that had little spots of
 mold starting to grow on its surface.  It was so dark out there that only
 fainting could you see the hull of the grey matalic and ugly old ora
 starship, like the hull of some anchant millitary ocene going ship from
 earth that sailed the seas many years before.
 Amide the backing heat in the whouding cordoor two heavily burdend space
 worrors from the Badass Empire were fighting with only greed and plunder
 as their rewards for this beastly deep as they tryed to takecare of taking
 over just this one part of the ora ship.
 "Die you dumb miner that has breathed to much dust down on the minds to have
 much of a mind left and is not compairsen to the refined treaching that the
 Badass empire gives me." stated one of the solders as he glared with hatred
 at Axematter with a little smirk on his face that said that he hoped
 Axematter would finght him.
 Axematter talked back tot he sholder.  "If is you that will die in agony
 here is this cold place out in the night with your week bloted ways and
 rice lifestyle that has left you fat." Axematter pulled out his blaster
 faster then the solder could follow and shot him twice in the stumic.  His
 intestens and liver with all its crimpson gore spilled out onto the floor 
 with the orbs of sight of his friend looking on.
 The solder gasped out his last breath.  "Brother, This dog has killed me
 most traiteresly.  Kill them in the slowest way that you can dream up and
 advenge my death befor this slut can get away."
 Axemaster grasps a metallic cylander off of his belt of leather. He 
 depresses a pressure sensative triggur located on the anterior of the 
 cylander, and an intense stick of luminenscence extends from the aparature. 
 He raises his device, and with a sinular movement, the stick penetrates 
 the soldier's cranial protective unit, exposing the soldier's cerrebellum 
 to the outer atmosphere. The soldier shreaked in agony like a freshly 
 carved Thanksgiving turkey, just before his non-functioning carcass collapes 
 on the assfault. Axemaster screams out to Valhalla as he routinely does after
 richosly kicked one's beefly posterior.  His optical nerve receptors scan 
 the vision of the near-dead soldier suffer, before sitting atop of his 
 anti-gravity single-person unenclosed transport. "You would be more cautious 
 not to engage my rage, dumb*ss!," boasted Axemaster.  The Avenue of Madison 
 was forced on Axemaster when the soldiers of Small violated the scantity 
 of his restation dwelling. He has severely thrashed the posteriors of
 obese, inactive slugs of social environments, because he could collect the 
 bounty imposted by the society of Craiger Jennys. After he severely 
 mutalated the bodies of his competition, he directed his anti-gravity 
 vehicle to the City of Kansans to relish some deserved vegging and 
 pigging out.
 As Axematter did float across the universe in his great anti-gravity
 machine - be it a vehicle with a motor, or was it something not 
 he percieved with his great organs of sight detection that there was a
 large chunk of ingenious space rock hurtling towards his vehnicle at
 a speed rivialing that of even wich the news involving such things as
 great wars travels, and the collection of ingenious space dust colided
 into his vehicle at a speed approximating the force and the mass
 of the object, which did thusly evacuate the air from within the
 vehicle and send Axematter plunging into the greatly mysterious world
 of the universe in which many great crimson sky orbs rotatre around the
 lovely green-blue life spheres of rightiousness.  It was towards a great
 rotating life sphere, which was currently rotating - but at what angle
 shall not be known - he was plunging.
 He plunged, this great Farer of space, plunging plungedly into the
 sky of the great orb of life, into it's great veil of life-giving,
 lung-filling gases - Though they could have been fluids, one could
 not tell - when his Garment of Places Without Matter activated it's
 Plunging Through Great Veils Of Life-Giving - Or Maybe Not, We Cannot
 Tell - Gases - Or Maybe Liquids, One Cannot Be Sure - Device Of Safety And
 Restraint activated.
 "Oof! That did cause me great discomfort!" he uttered loudly, as he slowly
 descended through the veil of gases or liquids, or maybe both, only antiquity
 can truly tell.
 At the moment that it was in that instant, with great suddenness, a great
 earsats flying bird of pray did descend upon the great Fairer of Places
 Without Matter, Grign- Er, AxeMatter, and did project it's fury in many
 coherent bundles of loomessent heat, causing AxeMeeter to call out in great
 discomfort. "AH! You traitorous dog of the skys! You have harmed me! I shall
 smite you from the skys, you foul slut!"
 With that, he did reveal his great staff of smiting, it's smiting staff
 giving of a warm, glowing, warming glow, and he did proceed to smite the
 mechanical beastie from the skies through a great stretch of suspension
 of disbelief.
 Again returning his staff of smiting to his great belt of leather, it's
 smiting staff having been returned to it's etherial home of smiting staves,
 he did notice that his plumultuous plummet was greatly increased in
 plummetivity. "Ah! That foul slut of the skies hath rendered my
 Plunging Through Great Veils Of Life-Giving - Or Maybe Not, We Cannot
 Tell - Gases - Or Maybe Liquids, One Cannot Be Sure - Device Of Safety And
 Restraint ineffective by unleashing it's wrath upon the device's great
 wind-gathering veil of ivory opaqueness! I am surely dumed at this turn of
 events!" his oraface of utterance did proclam.
 Axematter used his rippiling arm with buldging musles to take ahold of the
 delicate items of control in front of him with is hairy like hands that
 looked like they belonged on a ape more then they did on a man.  He smirked
 and frowned at the same time looking at the plant life covored surface of
 the world and stated wiht much gusto.  "This I dislike most of all that the
 plants here all look like they are eaters of meat and bone and brain! I will
 fall here least I blow a hole in the ground first!
 Axematter pulls out his shining lance of death with the blittering surface
 as he brings it off of his leather belted belt and turns it on with a
 toggle switch that makes it turn on and cuts open the top of his control
 panal.  Just then a large furry looking animal landed on the viewport and
 started to eat its way in...
 As the giant mammal of much furriedness tried to use its long sharp
 extensions of the paw to enter into the Garment of Places Without Matter
 Axematter percieved with his organs of sight that this mamalian creature
 was, in fact - or in falsity, for it can never be quite known to those
 but Axematter, for what happened next - quite humanoid in nature!
 Axematter gaped at it, and stated with his orfice of the face,
 "Why do you wish to gain entry to Garment of Places Without Matter,
 mamalian hominid creature with great sharp, curved protrusions of the
 "Why, to bloody eat you," said the mamalian hominid creature with the
 great sharp, curved protrusions of the fingers.
 Axematter used his perceptive organs and used his organ of thought to it's 
 maximum to attempt to comprehend the short consice grunts of the furry 
 mammalian with the sharpened endings on it's upper body appendages..
 Axematter experienced a inordinate amount of imeasurable resistance in 
 comprehending the tiny, chronologically challened bits of what might be 
 perceived as speech, a method of imparting knowadle and/ or information by 
 movement of the moputh and fleshy portions within that he experiencienced 
 as being alledgedly produced by the animate being facing him.
 Those of whom were known to associate themselves with the species and 
 cohesive civilization of which Axematter was but a single example never, 
 that is had not in all of the history of their kind, a written and oral 
 record of their times held and found to be real, by those who told it, 
 used the sound inducing apporatuse of their forms to impart and broadcast 
 through the atmosphere of the places the were in such a mannor tht such 
 knowledge or imformation, was transmitted in such a short form.  Axematter 
 was tunned.
 What mannor or creature, and what mannor of place that until now was known 
 to not be occupied by that one known as myself, is this portion of time and 
 space which is now making it's existance upon my being?

 And so, with a great effort which did seem effortless, or maybe it did
 reek of effort, for none but AxeMater or Grignr shall ever truly know,
 he did fling the hominid who was truly covered in hair - or fur, for none
 shall the fates truly reveal this gift of knowledge - with the great sharp
 appendage-ends away from his oneself. "Ach, vile slut! Your appendage
 ending, great and pointed claws have caused great gaping holes in my
 Garment of Places Without Matter! For this vile perpetration, I shall be
 forced to smoteth thee!"
 The furry breast growwed with hate and bitter cold in its eyes.  "You are
 nothing but rotten meat that will give me a belly ach when I eat you earth
 person of hair arms and neck and face." The furryanimal said this with a
 sadistic little upture of its mouth that made is mouth upturned.
 Axematter lifted his orbs of sight and looked at the furry animal with might
 or might not have had real fur on it and ejected what most would call icky
 spit or something onto the floorboards of his mode of travel that gose
 throught he massive and never ending nothingness between the spinning orbs
 of fire out there in the dark.  It is something that the organ of thought
 for Axematter had many a problem comprahending... "How dare you talk to
 me like that you evil beast." he stated... "Eat hot laser beams through your
 tummy as I shell kill you like the low slut that you are!"  Axematter pulled
 from his leather belt a device that can best be said to be a laser on a
 pistal gripe.  He pulled the triger...
 The line of excited gasses connecting the energized point of the end of the 
 instrument of death and it's point of contact with the surface of the furry 
 beast with the sharpened ends of it's arms glowed and pulshed as it sizzles 
 into the furs and skin of the beast which had assaulted Axematter..
 The beam of light sizzled benath the surface of the beats exteria burning 
 and searing it's firey way into the detpth of the body of the beast..
 Axemater moved the device wich can only be knmown as a lazor on a pistol 
 grip sideways, it's movement resulting in the seperasting of heartofor 
 connected parts of the beat's body..
 The beast's orbs of sight looked not upwards to view it's twitching arm 
 which lay grashing and clutcjing of it's own accord upong the ground..
 Crimson life fluid founting from the hole on it's shoulder from which used 
 to be connected the object that is now laying fisconnected on the forest 
 The beast's orbs of sight moved from his arm that was no longer his to his 
 assailent which still stood before him, holding the lazorlike weopon 
 which appeared to be connected to a pitol like grip nd which was held in a 
 position and attitude towards the beast which now felt and additional and 
 further theat...
 Axematter also is affected by the sulpherouse release of internal pressure 
 which the loss of it's arm has causedf the furry beat to engage in..
 having lost his appendage, the furry creature, with now half it's number 
 of sharpened ends with which to rend Garment of Places Without Matter laying 
 upon the surface toward which gravity draws him relaxes certian spinctors 
 and muscles causing an outflow of substances and gasses which up to now had 
 previously been held internally...
 The furry beats speaks, "now you're dead, man from ellsewhere..you've made 
 me poo on myself!"
 The bear smiles and walks away.
 Axwematter tenses his diaphram and finding himself unable not to breaths 
 in.. the activation of his olfactory indicators is ovetrwhelming. Liguid 
 with a hight salf content flows from his orbs of site.. the thin lining of 
 his bellows of breath are charred and melted.. his skin begins to melt 
 and boild..the green nboxious gasses of the beast melt Axematter's wailing 
 form as the beast grows a new arm.. as Axematterr melts he cries, "i'm 
 being reduced to a liqiufied form and combining again into a puddle of 
 liquid Axematter..Oh what a globe of occupation by sentient life.. oh what 
 a place known to many as a worl..oh..oh...
 The bear  smiles with a look of evil on its face stating very plainly.  
 "Not I have you man with out air."

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