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(This story is ©2004 by Fuzzy Yarns. It is intended for the personal use and enjoyment of those accessing the Fuzzy Yarns web site. Any reprinting in other media, printed or electronic, without the express consent of the author's is not allowed. All other rights reserved.)

The Flowers of Lilah.

Story told on 05-11-2004

By Adara, Moonbreak, KevMan, Millicent, Cye, and Starflier.

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a beautiful fae named 
Lilah.  Lilah was out and about, as usual, picking flowers in a nearby field. 
 Suddenly, she heard...
a low, loud rubling in the bushes. As she turned to look, something very 
large, very shiny, and VERY pointy...
SHe slowly and timidly fluttered over to the bush, her curiosity getiting the 
best of her. Causiously she peels apart the leaves and peeks into the bush...
where she sees a little man, dressed in aluminum foil, carefully fashioning a 
hat with a hanger on the top.  "Ahh, you've finally joined me, Brittany...".  
Lilah was confused, "My name's not Brittany- it's Lilah".  But the little man 
was not convinced.  "You don't have to pretend with me.  I know you're 
Brittany Spears, and you've come to marry me and move away to my underground 
bunker."  Lilah was totally freaked out.  She said...
"Umm... escuse me, but did you eat a rancid Pixy Stik or something...? As you 
can tell, I am organic, and Brittany is, well, maybe 1% original parts..."
The man pifffs and frowns at the fea "What are you talking about everyone 
knows she never had surgery, how dear you insult her."
Lilah backs away, not wanting to anger the little man, "I'm sorry, you're 
right; Brittany Spears is all real."  "Yes, you are, my dear," said the 
little man.  He then grabbed her by the hand and began to drag her away, 
"Come with me, Brittany.  We'll get married in my bunker!"  He dragged her to 
a nearby tree and pulled on one of the branches.  Suddenly...
A voice rang out 'The storyteller you have dialed is currently not in 
service. Please hang up and try again later.' The old dude jumped at the 
voice, but still continued dragging...
Suddenly, the tree trunk opened up, revealing a set of stairs running to 
underground.  The little man grabbed Lilah by the wings, and ran with her 
down the stairs until they reached...
Antonio Bendars, who was blocking the way! "I have come to save you Brittany!"-
 "I am not Brittany!" "..That what they all say..", Antiono pulls out a 
sword. "On guard pevert old man!"
The man looks at the sword and stands proud "Bah little man you can never 
pierce my invincible aluminum armor." Antiono only raises an eyebrow and 
slashes once, cutting right though the 'armor' on the old man's right arm. 
The man eeps and runs away screaming like a girl, leaving Lilah with Antiono 
as he says "Senile old man."
Antonio smiled his sexy smile, "Come Brittany, let Zorro take your worries 
away!"  With his special Zorro sword, he cut a "Z" into Lilah's dress.  "Hey, 
cut that out!" cried Lilah.  "But I am...Zorro!"  cried Banderas.  Suddenly, 
a wail was heard from the top of the tree.  Antonio and Lilah both saw a full 
grown man in a loin cloth swinging from a branch.  It could be no one but...
The mighty El Bumpo, scourge of the Dead Forums! "Away with thee, Zorro,' he 
cries "Or I shall have your messages moderated! Huzzah!"
"Never," said Antonio, "Taste the wrath of Zorro."  "Too bitter," said El 
Bumpo, and went off to cancel some more URLs.  "Now you are mine," Antonia 
said to Lilahfae.  Lilah smiled, and...
Lilah slapped him! "Your worse than the other old man!", she said. "Don't try 
to deny you feeling for me.." "Stop!", cried another voice! It's was Orlano 
Bloom! "now you shall.. ", but before he could finish he got mobbed by a 
horde of fangirls.. Then.... 
Skulking through the shadows is a twisted form. While everyone is distracted 
by the mob of screaming fangirls, Gollum jumps forward and grabs Lilah, 
A hole suddenly opens up in the floor, and Gollum, carrying Lilah, descends 
into the pit.  It's pitch black for about 15 seconds until Gollum and Lilah 
see a bright light.  In the distance, Lilah catches sight of Al Gore, Rosie 
O'Donnel, Tanya Harding, and Ben Stein.  She jumps with recognition. "Hey, I 
know where I'm at!  I'm..
..."Im in the J-Zone! The same place that one sock from every load of laundry 
goes too!" She glances around "Wow! I remember that one... and that one.... 
whoah.. So many socks...
Lilah starts collecting all of the socks, the loose change, and the part off 
her lawn mower that she doesn't know where it fitted when she put it back 
together.  She leaves behind the old TV Guides and AOL CDs.  She eventually 
ends up with such a large pile that...
She found where Osama Bin Laden been hinding all this time! "uh-oh!.", he 
says and runs off! Then..
...Tanya Harding grabs a crowbar from the pile and gives chase, while Rosie 
starts flinging koosh balls. Ben Stein drones on and on about how the 
terrorists aren't going to win, and Gore screams about the wealthiest 1% and 
demands yet another recount.
Lilah looks around, watching Rosie and Tanya and listining to Ben and Al talk 
is to much, finding the found items to heavy to make an efectoive getaway she 
drops them and flutters to the hole as fast as she can.
Zooming upwards, Lilah flies out of the hole and above the people on the 
ground (including Antonio, Orlando, and a screaming mob of fans).  She flies 
back to her house, and is just about to enter when she sees something 
scurrying in the distance.  But that's another story...

The End

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